EDL’s first stand-alone solar project, which is scalable and can grow with Rio Tinto Aluminium’s (RTA) bauxite mine.
At a glance
Project name:
Weipa Solar Farm
Owner, operator:
Weipa, Queensland, Australia
Generating capacity:
5.7 MW
Primary fuel:
Solar generation
Equivalent homes powered:
~1,235 p.a.
Electricity Generated :
~6.8 GWh p.a.
Avoided emissions:
~5,000 tonnes CO2–e p.a.
Equivalent cars off the road:
~1,600 p.a.
*Data sourced from:
About the Weipa Solar Farm
The 5.7MW Weipa solar farm is located at Rio Tinto Aluminium’s (RTA) bauxite mine and Weipa township in the Cape York Peninsula, Queensland. It feeds into the Weipa grid under a Power Purchase Agreement with RTA.
Stage One of the project was developed by First Solar, and been in operation since 2016. Stage Two was commissioned in early 2023 and includes a second 4 MW solarfarm and 4MW battery storage, that enables integration with the existing diesel generation operated by RTA.
EDL’s purchase of the solar farm included novation of the ARENA Funding Agreement, which gives EDL access to ARENA funding to proceed with Stage 2 (subject to further design evaluation and agreement with RTA and ARENA).
The project was the first stand-alone solar facility in the EDL portfolio and provides the opportunity to grow with one of the world’s premier bauxite mines.
It also represents EDL’s first commercial relationship with the Rio Tinto Group.