EDL owns and operates the Rainham Landfill Gas (LFG) power station near the town of Dagenham in Essex, UK. The plant produces more than 100GWh of renewable energy each year from gas captured from the neighbouring landfill.
At a glance
Project name:
Rainham Landfill Gas (LFG) Power Station
Owner, operator:
Start of operation:
Essex, England, United Kingdom
Generating capacity:
16 MW
Electricity generated :
101GWh p.a.
Avoided emissions :
~98,400 tonnes of CO2-e p.a.
Equivalent homes powered :
~25,900 p.a.
Equivalent cars off the road :
~56,700 p.a.
*Data sourced from:
About the power station
Commissioned in 2001, Rainham landfill is a major refuse receptacle for the city of London, greater London and environs.
The LFG power station comprises eight 1.25MW, three 1.4MW, two 1.1MW and 1MW reciprocating gensets and associated infrastructure.
EDL undertakes installation of the landfil gas well drainage and collection systems as well as providing the wellfield operation and maintenance.
The site is expected to continue producing LFG for renewable energy generation beyond 2030.