Lorain Renewable Natural Gas Facility
EDL is the owner and operator of the Lorain Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) Facility, which is located adjacent to and works collaboratively with the Republic Services Lorain County Landfill, at Oberlin, Ohio. The facility reached operational status in November 2024 and has the capacity to convert methane-rich gas from landfill into approximately 1.6 million MMBtu per year of pipeline-quality RNG.
RNG from the Lorain facility is injected into a delivery pipeline and supplied to customers as a cleaner fuel source by the power utility industry and to power light commercial vehicles as a direct alternative to fossil-fuel compressed natural gas (CNG).
At a glance
Project name:
Lorain RNG Facility
Owner, operator:
Start of operation:
August 2023 (LFG to RNG)
Oberlin, Ohio, United States of America
Primary fuel:
Landfill Gas
RNG produced p.a.:
up to 1.6 million MMBtu
Avoided emissions:
The equivalent of about 5.5 million gallons of diesel p.a. when used in vehicle transport
Equivalent cars off the road:
12,238 p.a.
About the RNG facility
EDL upgraded the existing power plant that converted waste gases from the Republic Services Lorain County Landfill to develop a new RNG facility that is the first of its kind in Oberlin. The Lorain RNG facility reached operational status in September 2024.