EDL owns and operates the Cullerin Range Wind Farm located near Gunning in NSW, capturing wind energy with a total capacity of 30MW.
At a glance
Project name:
Cullerin Range Wind Farm
Owner, operator:
Start of operation:
Cullerin, New South Wales, Australia
Generating capacity:
30 MW
Primary fuel:
Electricity generated:
~87 GWh p.a.
Equivalent homes powered:
~15,800 p.a.
Avoided emissions:
~63,500 tonnes CO2–e p.a.
Equivalent cars off the road:
~21,000 p.a.
*Data sourced from :
About the wind farm
The Cullerin Range was chosen as the location for the wind farm as it has a consistent wind resource, is close to transmission lines and has safe access for construction and maintenance vehicles.
Constructed in 2007-8, from July 2009 the power station became the first significant wind farm in NSW to be fully operational in the National Electricity Market. It produces about 87GWh of clean electricity each year.
The environmental benefit is equivalent to avoiding production of about 63,500 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions each year, should the same amount of electricity be generated by fossil fuel combustion. This is also equivalent to taking approximately 21,000 cars off the road.
The power station comprises 15 Senvion turbines, each on a tower 80m high, and each rated at a maximum output of 2MW (two megawatts could power 20,000 100W light bulbs). The turbine blades are 46m long.
Being located across a 3.5km stretch on private properties, the Cullerin Range Wind Farm operates among traditional farming activities with landowners grazing sheep underneath the turbine towers.
The power station is capable of generating approximately 87 gigawatt hours (GWh) of electricity annually, which is enough to power about 15,800 homes.
We value the community’s feedback. Please contact us with any suggestions or complaints on the details below.
Post: EDL Cullerin Range Wind Farm, GPO Box 2768, Brisbane QLD 4001
Phone: 1800 811 942