Appin and Tower
EDL has pioneered the collection and combustion of waste coal mine gas (WCMG), an environmentally damaging greenhouse gas (GHG), at our 85.5MW Appin and Tower Power Stations.
At a glance
Project name:
Appin and Tower Power Stations
Owner, operator:
Start of operation:
Appin, New South Wales, Australia
Generating capacity:
85.5 MW
Primary fuel:
Electricity generated:
~350 GWh p.a.
Equivalent homes powered:
~65,000 p.a.
Avoided emissions:
~285,000 tonnes CO2–e p.a.
Equivalent cars off the road:
~95,000 p.a.
*Data sourced from:
About the Appin and Tower Power Stations
In a world first, EDL developed the largest WCMG power station at Appin that captured drained WCMG and also directly used a portion of the methane present as combustion air in the generator sets, further reducing the mine’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
WCMG is a naturally occurring gas that is often released in large amounts during coal mining. Fugitive emissions from coal mines account for about 5% of Australia’s GHG emissions. Further, these gases pose a major safety hazard in underground mines.
At GM3’s Appin and Tower mines located at the Southern Coal fields in NSW, EDL is applying our expertise in low calorific fuels to capture and combust WCMG, which is 28 times more damaging to the environment than carbon dioxide.
The power stations generate approximately 350 gigawatt hours (GWh) of electricity annually, which is enough to power approximately 60,000 homes.