EDL launches Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan
In conjunction with National Reconciliation Week and Mabo Day on 3 June 2020, sustainable energy producer EDL launched its first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) via a virtual event attended by almost 200 employees across Australia.
EDL Chief Executive Officer James Harman said EDL has worked with Indigenous communities across Australia for about 30 years, undertaking Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation initiatives and supporting a range of Aboriginal community activities
“This Reflect RAP will help us bring these separate efforts together to inform our vision for reconciliation, so that we can develop strategies and actions that are meaningful and mutually beneficial, with sustainable, long-term benefits,” Mr Harman said.
“We recognise that we have a lot of work to do to achieve this goal, and this Reflect RAP is only the first step. I am proud we are beginning this journey.”
The EDL Reflect RAP focuses on three key areas for action, supported by the underlying actions below:
• Establish RAP Committee
• Build internal and external relationships
• Raise internal and external awareness of our RAP
• Participate in and celebrate National Reconciliation Week
• Investigate and review cultural learning needs within EDL
• Raise awareness of the Traditional Custodians where we operate
• Promote positive race relations through anti-discrimination strategies
• Raise awareness and increase internal understanding of cultural protocols
• Investigate and review Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment
• Investigate and review Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander procurement.